Below are pictures of the trampolines that we have purchased during the 1999 year. The goal of these purchases was to see if an off water tool could be used to help Dave learn to flip. The goal would be to then try this on his Sky Ski but guts need to be added also.
This is a picture of both Trampolines. The one on the right is the first trampoline we purchased. This was a 7 by 14 trampoline with an overhead spotting rig. Dave rigged it up to be used with bungees and people started to flip. We had lots of fun but wasn't as safe and Dave wanted. He has since sold it to a friend at work.
This is a picture of the trampoline we have left now. This is from a company in Utah and is called "The Trampoline Thing". You find this at amusement parks. It is designed for doing flipping safely! We have had people ranging from 3 to 50 on it. It's waiting for you to come do your first flip.
This is a picture of Dave doing a back flip on the trampoline. You can see he is clearly 8 feet above the mat. He is connected with bungees and in a harness belt. The entire family tends to go flipping in the evening. Sandy has done 15 back flips in a row. Francie has back flipped once. (Gets her vertigo) Annie does doubles front and back flips.
This is where the trampoline is now